
Where mental health stands in a society’s scale of values is a measure of its culture. Keralite’s who pride in being a literate society have a long way to go towards mental health literacy. Current estimates show that 13-14% of the society have diagnosable mental illnesses. Twice as many also need psychological help for subclinical or non-diagnosable mental health problems.

Though mental illnesses and psychological problems are so common, the society continues to hold strong negative attitude about mental health as well as towards people with psychological problems. About 70% of the society does not go for any treatment for mental illnesses, and those who reach professional help is still fewer.

Hence, it is important both to create awareness about psychological problems and disorders and to bust misconceptions and prevent misguided responses to mental health issues. This page aims to generate mental health literacy in our society, strive to fight misconceptions about psychological problems regarding adults, create openness to seeking psychological help and provide information for choosing the right form of help.

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